- Upgraded PHP to version 7.4.33 8.3.17.
- Modified Intro and Header base.
- Added Resume page.
- Installed phpBBasic for the structure of the website being a Blog.
- Installed Topic Descriptions to bridge gap between Forum and Blog.
- Installed Slideshow to homepage to display Raptor Related content.
- Included Tags for Blog posts.
- Included Tags Attribute to Search and Homepage drop-down.
- Heavily modified theme files to cater to the use of the website.
- Fixed email issues.
- Updated Font Awesome to a newer version.
- Killed redundancies.
- Optimized tables.
- Purged cache, debugged problem children here and there, and more!
To combat bots, I have set posts to lock automatically after 90 days from posting. If you have a question about a particular post and would like to get more information or suggest edits, you can contact me via the "Contact Me" button on the bottom of my website.