For years, I have been dealing with a Deviated Septum that I have received from my time in the Marine Corps. When I got injured, I figured that it was a simple nose bleed and an ice pack would be rough to get me back to where I need to be... Yeah that was entirely wrong. If I remember correctly, the pain lasted at least a week and Ibuprofen / Tylenol wasn't enough. Discoloration was evident and breathing was difficult. But hey, I figured it'll resolve on its own.
After getting out of the Marine Corps, and further complications, I decided to finally seek medical attention for it.
Immediately after seeing my Primary Care, he told me that my septum is definitely deviated and referred me out to a specialist in town. From there, they further confirmed my case and told me that they cannot perform the surgery and once again, referred me out. - New Bern, NC and surrounding area has been pretty 'stupid' with specialty care in my opinion. Everyone's a specialist that can't "perform." What gives?
Anyway, after months of process, I have finally gotten my surgery with Wilmington ENT and they were extremely helpful with my recovery. Having kids and a nose surgery definitely isn't the ideal scenario. As you could imagine, I have been hit on the nose several times with stents in my nostrile.
I have definitely under estimated this surgery and recovery, but I feel it was well worth it, especially since I can actually breath now and don't have to try and catch my breath all the time.
#Health Septoplasty (Deviated Septum Surgery)
3 months ago
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